Each of the listed links offers something interesting that relates in some way to St. Vrain's Old Fort or the people who were associated with the fort. Use your brower's "back" button to get back to this page. Please use the buttons here to report any broken links or suggest new links I should add to this page.

Although somewhat smaller, Fort St. Vrain was patterned from Bent's Old Fort. This virtual tour of Bent's Old Fort gives an idea of what Fort St. Vrain could have looked like.
The original Weld County Courthouse which was built at St. Vrain's Fort in the early 1860s has been preserved and relocated here!
The Taos Massacres is a new historical novel, by John C. Durand, in which Ceran St. Vrain is a major character. In writing this book, Mr. Durand stuck very close to what is actually known about the uprising in New Mexico in 1847. It's valuable reading for anyone interested in Ceran St. Vrain and this period in the history of the West.
The place to start for anything historical in Colorado!
A brief article about Fort St. Vrain with a link to Bent's Old Fort.
Information about Fort Vasquez and the visitor's center.
Short article and several good photos of Fort Vasquez and the museum.
An organization dedicated to historical preservation for Longmont and the St. Vrain Valley.
Information on Fort Lupton
A superior award winning site that has anything you ever wanted to know about
the Overland Trail and much more.
Official Weld County Website contains history of Weld and lots of other resources.