Directions to St. Vrain's Fort
Unfortunately, St. Vrain's Fort is a fatality of time and nature and is no more. By 1903 it was reduced to ruin and in 1951 local farmers leveled what was left to make farming easier in the immediate area. In 1911 the Daughters of the American Revolution erected a monument on the site of the original fort. The monument is all that remains today.
To reach the monument, travel to just south of Gilcrest, Colorado on U.S. Highway 85 and take Weld County road 40 west to it's end. County Road 40 is a gravel road and the fort is about 3.75 miles from US 85. As you near the fort, county road 40 turns into a narrower lane and goes through a farmers property. Just when you think you're going to end up in a horse pasture, you'll see the monument.
The monument is surrounded by private property and activities there are closely monitored by local residents. Please be respectful and do not litter.
If you are traveling on Interstate 25 north of Denver, Colorado, you can reach Gilcrest by turning east on Colorado Highway 66 (just north of Longmont) to Platteville and highway 85. Turn north on 85 a few miles to road 40.
Be sure to stop in at the Fort Vasquez Museum, about a half-mile south of Platteville on highway 85. They can give you directions and a map to Fort St. Vrain. You will probably learn more about the area forts from the staff there than anywhere else.