Welcome to the fort! This is the first (and only) website dedicated entirely to the historical Fort St. Vrain. However, I am no historian and can't take much credit for research on this web site. I do maintain contact with members of the St. Vrain family as well as local historians and archaeologists who continue to study the fort and surrounding area. I hope the information contained here will provide a basic understanding and perhaps a little flavor of the hardships, romance and mystery of St. Vrain's Fort.
As with most places like this, there are many more questions than answers. If you have comments or questions about St. Vrain's Fort, please post them on the bulletin board page. Pictures and graphics about St. Vrain's Fort are hard to find. If you have any that you would like to share or have questions please contact me:
St. Vrain's Fort was very similar in design to Bent's Fort near La Junta, Colorado.
Meanwhile, enjoy the site and be sure to sign the guestbook.
Joe Pinner